Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Six Lines

Did I miss a couple of weeks here? You know how it is. I was trying to get ahead so I could go to an out-of-town conference, and now I am trying to catch up. The conference was all women writing about their lives. Wonderful writers. Powerful stories. And, besides meeting wonderful people, I hope I learned a few things.

One of the workshops I attended was about "the critic." It is amazing that it all boils down to fear. We each have our own particular fear, but there it is -- fear. We all have been wounded by unthinking parents, cruel teachers, imagined demons; and we fear that pain -- go to any length to avoid it. Even if that means not writing. Let's agree to lace up our steel-toed writing boots, sit down, and kick (writing) assignments.

The February update is up on the website, http://www.angelinyourinkwell.com/. In January, I mentioned a favorite hymn, "I Come to the Garden," and invited you to send your own six lines.

Barbara sent some wonderful lines, and I have copied them below. Thank you, Barbara.

I come to my studio alone/ To create in my mind/ To create with fabric/ To create on canvas/ To create on paper/ To become lost in my world

What are your six lines?

Also, thank you Sherry Antonetti for sending instructions on setting up this blog to accept comments. I think I followed her instructions. Give it a try and see if I did it correctly. Meanwhile, visit Sherri's blog, Chocolate For Your Brain at http://sherryantonettiwrites.blogspot.com.

And thank you, Lissa, for spending time with me on the phone to try to change the book list, at the bottom of the posts, from all caps. Can't be done. Template problem. I deleted the list and will incorporate it some other way.

On the subject of books, I had been listening to Richard Russo's Bridge of Sighs on CD in my car as I ran errands. I think there were thirteen disks. Anyway, I didn't have enough errands. Only made it to disk three. The book was due, and I had to return it to the library. I would recommend it and will either get the book or check out the audio version again. True, my mind wanders as I drive, but here's how it seems to be going. The book begins in the voice of a young boy. Later the book shifts to the friend of the boy, now an adult, an artist living in Italy, and ill. I was definitely hooked by the time the Overdue! notice screamed into my Inbox.

On the plane to and from the conference, I read The Geography of Bliss by National Public Radio correspondent, Eric Weiner. Good writing. I really like his light style. I won't be giving anything away if I tell you the country with the highest "happiness level" is also the country with the highest suicide rate. The author explains it so it makes perfect sense.

Here's a recipe that sounds yummy and easy. It has all my favorite ingredients, including brown sugar, walnuts, and butter.
Apple-Walnut Mix for Grilled Pork Chops

2 cups Fuji apples, sliced
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup button mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup walnuts
8 tablespoons butter

In saute pan add all ingredients. Saute until apples are soft and sauce becomes a carmel color (about three to four minutes). Serve over grilled or pan fried pork chops. (Source of this recipe? hmm, can't tell. A magazine. The bottom of the clipping says The Kansas City Originals.) Enjoy.

For added enjoyment, visit www.angelinyourinkwell.com for more Writing Tips, Prompts, Fun Stuff for Writers, and Life Story Writing tips.